Although this comes out under my name, Paul will also be sharing on occasion. You may be wondering how we picked this title - or maybe the background picture gives it away! We've found that often, in Bulgaria, cars are parked on the sidewalk, making it necessary for walkers to move to the street. This can sometimes be humorous, sometimes inconvenient, and occasionally provides a different perspective on "getting around" - much like other aspects of life overseas.
We've had a busy summer and we'll be sharing more about that in our next post, including news on:
- Paul officiating at a wedding in Romania
- Kathy's week at Young Life camp on the Black Sea
- The fun of summer visitors
- Goodbyes and hellos
- Summer in an international church
If, for some reason, this is the first you're hearing from us since our move to Sofia, please let us know and we can catch you up on the changes in our lives that brought us here.